Youth Classes

Summer Session 2024
10-Week Session: May 14 – July 20
5-Week Session 1: May 7 – June 8
5-Week Session 2: June 25 – July 27
NO CLASS: July 4 (Holiday)

Fall Session 2024
16-Week Session: August 13 – December 14
7-Week Session 1: August 13 – September 28
7-Week Session 2: October 15 – December 14
November 5-9 (Holiday Tables)
November 26-30 (Thanksgiving Break)

Winter Session 2025
10-Week Session: January 7 – March 22
No Class: February 22 / Make-Up Date: March 22



Students will explore the fascinating world of paper mâché, a versatile medium for creating both sculptural and functional art. This hands-on course will teach the fundamentals of paper mâché techniques while guiding students through the creation of unique, personal projects. By the end of the course, participants will have a completed sculpture or functional piece and a deeper understanding of how to work with this medium for future projects

Grades: 3 – 5 | Instructor: Marie Taylor

Thursdays, 5:30–7:30 p.m.

10 -Weeks
Jan 9 – Mar. 13

Location: Sculpture Studio

Public Price: $185/ Member Price: $168.18

Screenshot of 9036 - Heather in the kitchen kids


Cooking is creative! Students will develop their culinary artistry in weekly lessons focused on the preparation, cooking and presentation of recipes made from scratch. Each week, students will master a tasty treat with leftovers to share at home.

Grades: 3 – 5 | Instructor: Sue Corriston

9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

10 Weeks
Jan. 11 – Mar. 22 (No Class Feb. 22 / Make-Up Date: Mar. 22)

Location: Culinary Studio

Public Price: $263 / Member Price: $239.09

Screenshot of 9036 - Heather in the kitchen kids


Cooking is creative! Students will develop their culinary artistry in weekly lessons focused on the preparation, cooking and presentation of recipes made from scratch.

Grades: 3 – 6 | Instructor: Sue Corriston

9:00-10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

5 Weeks
Session 2: Nov. 2 – Dec. 14 (No class Nov. 9 & 30)

Location: Culinary Studio

Public Price: $125 / Member Price: $112.50

Kids making art1


Explore a variety of art mediums and styles in this class including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and more!

Grades: 3 – 5 | Instructor: Marie Taylor

Saturdays, 10-11:30 a.m.
10 Weeks
Jan. 11 – Mar. 22 (No Class Feb. 22 / Make-Up Date: Mar. 22)

Location: Youth Studio

Public Price: $161 / Member Price: $146.36




Explore a variety of art mediums and styles in this class including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and more!

Grades: 3 – 5 | Instructor: Marie Taylor

Saturdays, 12-1:30 p.m.

10 Weeks
Jan. 11 – Mar. 22 (No Class Feb. 22 / Make-Up Date: Mar. 22)

Location: Youth Studio

Public Price: $161 / Member Price: $146.36



Explore a variety of art mediums and styles in this class including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and more!

Grades: 3 – 5 | Instructor: Marie Taylor

Saturdays, 1-2:30 p.m.

7 Weeks
Session 2: Oct. 19 – Dec. 14 (No class Nov. 9 & 30)

Location: Youth Studio

Public Price: $109 / Member Price: $98.10

a young girl paints a paper mache


Students will use their imagination as they experience the fun of creating clay forms with their hands.  Hand building with clay is an ancient pottery technique using pinching, coiling and slab building to create both decorative and functional clay forms.  Clay that is completed will be fired and finished with a variety of colorful glazes.

*Please note that the last day of class is a pickup day for completed pieces.

Grades: K – 2 | Instructor: Lynda Medlock

Saturdays, 1-2:30 p.m.

10 Weeks
Jan. 11 – Mar. 22 (No Class Feb. 22 / Make-Up Date: Mar.22)

Location: Tables Studio

Public Price: $200 / Member Price: $181.82


a young girl paints a paper mache


This class is for students in grades 3 to 5 who may have had prior art experience with clay or are able to work with clay in larger, more complex forms. Students will still be working with the hand building technique but using more tools like ribs, trimming tools, and wood knives. We will focus on making larger and more complicated functional clay pieces like cups, vases or boxes with lids. Students will work with organic subjects as well, such as animals, birds or imaginary figures like robots or dragons. Completed projects will be finished with a variety of non-toxic glazes so they are useable and waterproof.

*Please note that the last day of class is a pickup day for completed pieces.

Grades: 3 – 5 | Instructor: Lynda Medlock

Saturdays, 3-4:30 p.m.

10 Weeks
Jan. 11 – Mar. 22 (No Class Feb. 22 / Make-Up Date: Mar.22)

Location: Tables Studio

Public Price: $200 / Member Price: $181.82


a young girl paints a paper mache


Students will use their imagination as they experience the fun of creating clay forms with their hands.  Hand building with clay is an ancient pottery technique using pinching, coiling and slab building to create both decorative and functional clay forms.  Clay that is completed will be fired and finished with a variety of colorful glazes.

Grades: K – 3 | Instructor: Lynda Medlock

Saturdays, 1:30-3:00 p.m.

7 Weeks
Session 2: Oct. 26 – Dec. 21 (No class Oct. 19, Nov. 9 & 30)

Location: Tables Studio

Public Price: $136 / Member Price: $122.50

someone shapes a ceramic mug on a potting wheel


This youth class focuses on learning the steps of using the potter’s wheel, including throwing, trimming, and glazing. No open-toed shoes or shoes that slide off easily are allowed. Clay is provided as students need it, and a class set of tools is available. If preferred, students may purchase their own 25-pound bag of clay and toolkit.
*Please note that the last day of class is a pickup day for completed pieces.

Grades: 3 – 5| Instructor: Jack Norris

Saturdays, 3:00-4:30 p.m.

7 Weeks
Session 1: Jan. 6 – Feb. 17

Session 2: Mar. 9 – Apr. 20

Location: Ceramics Studio

Public Price: $161 / Member Price: $144.90

Sand Art November 2018
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