Youth Scholarship Form

Mark Arts scholarships are intended to provide opportunities for artistic enrichment for youth and adults who are otherwise limited by financial circumstances.

ELIGIBILITY: Scholarships are awarded to youth and adults based on financial need, any applicable scholarship fund requirements and funds available. If an incomplete application is received before the applicable deadline, staff will contact the applicant to request missing components. If an application is incomplete on the deadline, it will not be considered.

FREQUENCY: Students may only be awarded up to $250 in scholarships each calendar year. Applicants who were not awarded a scholarship may apply again within the same calendar year.

Quarterly Application Deadlines:

Summer 2017 STEAM Camp Deadlines Extended:

  •      – Feel The Beat Camp (July 24 – 28) is due on July 10

  •      – Gears in Motion Camp (July 31 – August 4) is due on July 17

  •      – Supercharged Camp (August 7 – 11) is due on July 24

Fall 2017 Classes and Holiday Camps: August 18

Winter 2018 Classes: December 11

Please complete the form below and click submit when complete.

Any additional application materials may be emailed to [email protected].

[form to=”lauren@//” subject=”Youth Scholarship Application”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Child’s Name”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Child’s Date of Birth”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”School Child Attends”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Grade Level”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Parent or Guardian Name”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”phone” options=”” placeholder=”Parent or Guardian Phone Number”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”email” options=”” placeholder=”Parent or Guardian Email Address”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Please include the weekly class(es) or camp(s) requested and their total cost in order of preference from 1 to 3.”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Requested amount of assistance”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Amount you can contribute”] [form_element type=”textarea” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Financial Need: State your financial need to qualify for this needs-based scholarship. A school lunch assistance form is often used and may be sent to the email address listed above.”] [form_element type=”textarea” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Student Interest & Commitment: Please include a note from the student telling why he/she would enjoy taking a class or camp at Mark Arts. Young children are welcome to email a drawing showing why they would like to take the class or camp to the email address listed above.”] [form_element type=”textarea” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Parent Interest & Commitment: State why you feel this child would benefit from the experience of taking a class or camp at Mark Arts. This may include his/her artistic interest level, work habits (ability to follow directions, cooperation with others), and the reliability of transportation to and from Mark Arts.”] [form_element type=”submit” validate=”” options=”” placeholder=”Click Here to Submit Application”] [/form]

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