[form to=”lauren@//www.markartsks.com” subject=”Youth Scholarship Application”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Child’s Name”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Child’s Date of Birth”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”School Child Attends”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Grade Level”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Parent or Guardian Name”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”phone” options=”” placeholder=”Parent or Guardian Phone Number”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”email” options=”” placeholder=”Parent or Guardian Email Address”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Please include the weekly class(es) or camp(s) requested and their total cost in order of preference from 1 to 3.”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Requested amount of assistance”] [form_element type=”text” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Amount you can contribute”] [form_element type=”textarea” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Financial Need: State your financial need to qualify for this needs-based scholarship. A school lunch assistance form is often used and may be sent to the email address listed above.”] [form_element type=”textarea” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Student Interest & Commitment: Please include a note from the student telling why he/she would enjoy taking a class or camp at Mark Arts. Young children are welcome to email a drawing showing why they would like to take the class or camp to the email address listed above.”] [form_element type=”textarea” validate=”required” options=”” placeholder=”Parent Interest & Commitment: State why you feel this child would benefit from the experience of taking a class or camp at Mark Arts. This may include his/her artistic interest level, work habits (ability to follow directions, cooperation with others), and the reliability of transportation to and from Mark Arts.”] [form_element type=”submit” validate=”” options=”” placeholder=”Click Here to Submit Application”] [/form]