Wish List

Do you have any of these materials at home? Or would like to purchase them for Mark Arts? We appreciate any donations!

Art Supplies

Ceramics & Sculpture Classes

Large Sponges

1 inch Sponge Brushes

Deairing Veuco Pugmill – Mixes clay and takes the air out

Lockerbie Electric Motors with Assembly – Motor for our Potter’s Wheels

Silicon Carbide Kiln Shelves

Masonite Throwing Bats – Contact us first, they must be custom-sized to fit our wheels.

Drawing & Painting Classes

Staedtler Brand Drawing Erasers

2B Drawing Pencils

Gently used or new paint: Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Gouache, etc.

Air Purifier

Clamp-on lights




Masking Tape/Painters Tape


Painting Mediums

General Art Supplies

Scrap Fabric

Gallery Quality Frames

Tall Stools


Printmaking Classes

Large Intaglio (etching) Press

Laser Printer- Copier-Scanner

Light Table

Paper Drying Racks

Quality Printmaking inks

Youth Classes

Youth Art Books

Tempera Paint

3-D Pen Plastic Filament – Contact us for specifics.

Any STEAM related equipment or supplies (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, or Math)


If you would like to donate any of these items or have other supplies Mark Arts could utilize, please contact Rachel Davis, studio arts administrator, at [email protected].

We appreciate all of your support!

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